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Dr Michael OSHO

Ag. Dean

Michael B. Osho (Ph.D), a native of Abeokuta town, Ogun State was born five decades ago. He is an Associate Professor of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology in the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Natural & Applied Sciences (COLNAS), McPherson University, Seriki Sotayo, Ogun State. Dr. Osho is an alumnus of fabulous University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, (now Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta) Nigeria where he bagged his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in 1995, 2003 and 2013 respectively.

He is a member of the University Governing Council (Senate representative) and Senate and also served as College Sub-Dean for two consecutive sessions and Ag. Head, Department of Biological Sciences at various times since he joined the service of McPherson University in 2012.

His research interest among others include biosynthesis of nanoparticles and their industrial applications; enzymatic synthesis of phytochemicals; cell & enzyme immobilization on novel matrix from plant materials etc. Dr. Osho has won so many laurels among which was STEP B Research Grant of the Federal Ministry of Education during his doctorate programme, Best Faculty Award, International Scientist Awards (INSO) on Engineering, Science and Medicine INSO 2021; Travel Grant, TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo, co-located with the Defense TechConnect, Smart Cities Connect and SBIR/STTR Conferences, 2021 at National Harbor, Maryland, USA by Applied Microbiology International (API),United Kingdom; Most Productive & Excellence Award of our prestigious University, McU etc.

He is a member of many academic and professional bodies such as American Society of Microbiology (ASM); Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM) now Applied Microbiology International (AMI), UK; Nigeria Society for Microbiology (NSM); Biotechnology Society of Nigerian (BSN), Nigerian Bioinformatics and Genomics Network (NBGN) etc. and has published in many national and international outlets of high repute. His academic prowess affords him opportunities to serve as member of Editorial Board and reviewer of some publication outlets such as Insight in Enzyme Research; Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology; Journal of Basic Microbiology among others. He is serving as External Examiner for both Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of some private and public Universities.

Research gate:


Michael Bamitale Osho (Ph.D.)

Ag. Dean, COLNAS