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Dr. Ayodeji ADEGUN

Dr Adegun Ayodeji Oluwole is a lecturer in the Chemical Sciences Unit of  Biological Sciences Department,College of  Natural and Applied Sciences of  McPherson University. He was a visiting researcher to  the School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry, Kingston University, Kingston Upon Thames,  London, UK.He is currently a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. He was a  winner of Developing World  Scholarship by Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund of Royal society of Chemistry.His area of specialization is in Analytical/Environmental Chemistry.His research interest is in the development of  Analytical methods for the  determination  of organic and inorganic contminnt in natural phenomena, evaluating their health risks implications and designing models for their remediation. He has   publications in high impact factor journals.  His social media handles include  but not limited to the following:

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