Undergraduate Programmes
BIOCHEMISTRY | Five SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. | English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics. | Two ‘A’ level passes in relevant subjects particularly Biology and Chemistry. |
MICROBIOLOGY | Five SSCE credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry. | English, Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics. | Two ‘A’ level passes in Chemistry and any one from Biology / Zoology/Botany. |
BIOTECHNOLOGY | Possess five (5) O’level credit passes at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and any other subject. | English Language, Biology, Physics, Chemistry | Two ‘A’ level passes in relevant subjects which may include Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Candidate with Ordinary National Diploma (OND), Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) certificate, Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) holders and any other relevant certificate are qualified to apply. Opportunity are also open to Transfer Students from other university |
INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY | Possess five (5) O’ level credits at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology/Agric Science | English Language, Chemistry, Physics, and any of Biology/ Agricultural Science/Mathematics | Two ‘A’ level passes in Chemistry and any one of Mathematics, Physics or Biology. ND/HND in Science Laboratory Technology having at least pass level relevant field at pass level or NCE with UTME requirements or candidates with IJMB ‘A ’level. Candidates with Joint Universities Preliminary Examination (JUPEB) certificate and any other relevant certificates as well as transfer students from other universities are qualified to apply. |
INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS | Possess five (5) O’ level credit passes at not more than two sittings including English language, Mathematics, Physics, and any two Science Subjects and any trade Subject | English language, Mathematics, and any two of these Physics Chemistry, Economics, Biology, Agric.Science | Two ‘A’ level Passes in relevant subjects which may include Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Chemistry. Candidates with NCE requires minimum of merit in relevant subjects ND or HND with minimum requirements in relevant courses |
MEDICAL PHYSICS | Possess five (5) O’ level credit passes at not more than two sittings including English language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. | English Language, Physics, Chemistry and either Biology or Mathematics | Two ‘A’ level passes in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Biology. National Diploma (ND) at a minimum of credit level in Physics Electronics, Physics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and any other related course from any recognised institution. Transfer students from other universities in relevant disciplines. |