The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer of the University with the overall responsibility for the development, management and maintenance of the academic, administrative and financial operations of the University.  The office took off in October 2012 with the appointment of the Professor Adeniyi Agunbiade as the pioneer Vice-Chancellor of the University.

The second substantive Vice-Chancellor is Professor Francis Adegbaye Igbasan.

The office of the Vice-Chancellor has the following Units:

  • The Main Office
  • Information and Public Relations Unit
  • Directorate of Academic Planning
  • Directorate of Student Affairs
  • Internal Audit Unit
  • ICT Unit
  • Sports Unit
  • Security Unit.

View the profile of the Vice Chancellor

The Main Office

The main office of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office is under the direct supervision of the Vice-Chancellor who is assisted by a Senior Administrative Officer, a Confidential Secretary and other administrative staff.  The office assists the Vice-Chancellor in the day-to-day coordination of activities in the various academic, administrative and technical departments in the University.

Academic Planning Directorate

The idea of establishing Academic Planning Units or Directorates in Nigerian universities was championed by the National Universities Commission (NUC) as far back as the 1980s and virtually all Nigerian universities, public and private, have bought into the idea.

In McPherson University, the Directorate of Academic Planning is charged with the responsibility of orderly coordination and guidance of the academic programmes of the University in line with the NUC’s Minimum Academic Standards (BMAS) and Senate stipulated academic requirements.

The Information and Public Relations Unit

The Information Unit is currently headed by a Deputy-Registrar, Mr. Sanmi Enigbokan.

The Unit is responsible for information dissemination to the University community and the public at large through the regular publication of Bulletins, Newsletters, Calendars, and other materials designed to publicize the activities of the institution.

Its responsibility also includes photographic and video coverages of university events and ceremonies for immediate dissemination as well as for archival purposes.  The Protocol and passage arm of the unit is charged with the responsibility of receiving visitors to the University and seeing to their comfort while in the campus environment.

Sport Unit

The management of McU is cognizant of the importance of sporting activities in the physical and emotional development of its students. Consequently, ample provisions in terms of a standard football field, athletic tracks, volley ball, hand ball and tennis courts all complimented by standard spectators’ stands were constructed for these activities right from the inception of the university and they are located at a walking distance from the hostels.

Works and Physical Planning Unit

Currently, this unit is merged with the Works and Services Department but under the control of the Vice-Chancellor.  Physical planning activities are currently being executed from this office.  As the University expands, it will become a separate unit under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor as is the practice in other Nigerian universities.