• Transfer to a New Programme

Any student asked to withdraw from programme shall be allowed to transfer to another degree programme, provided he has the minimum requirement to be admitted into that programme.

Whichever level a student transfer to, (usually 200 Level) it shall be assumed that he/she is starting a new degree programme afresh and all his past records (except those of the 100 level which are common to all degree programmes) will not count in the computation of his degree classification though they will appear in the academic transcripts for complete records.


  • Transfer of Students from other Universities

Students from other universities who wish to transfer to McPherson University, Seriki Sotayo:

i. Must apply for the appropriate transfer form and pay the prescribed fees.

ii. Complete the forms and send them along with his/her academic transcripts and confidential report from the Registrar of his/her university to the Registrar McPherson University, Seriki Sotayo; within the stipulated time allowed before  the admission exercise

iii. May be conditionally admitted into any of the levels but in any case not higher than 200L in the degree programme.



  1. The organization of invigilation shall be the responsibility of the Examination and Time-
    Table Committee. They shall select suitable examination halls and draw up a list of
    invigilators from members of staff of each College at least a week before the
    commencement of examinations.
  2. There shall be a Chief Invigilator for each examination session comprising a listed
    number of papers.
  3. There shall be in each hall, two invigilators for the first fifty candidates or less and one
    additional invigilator for every 100 candidates or part thereof.
  4. All invigilators shall be at the examination hall at least thirty minutes before the
    commencement of examination with all the examination question papers and answer
  5. For each examination, the examiners of the respective papers shall be present at the
    examination hall for the first thirty minutes to address all matters that may arise and should
    submit a written situation report to the Chief Invigilator, when necessary
    6.Invigilators shall inspect the halls and the candidates before they are seated for the
    examinations to ensure that no student has on him/her any unauthorised material.



  1. Candidates shall be admitted into the examination hall only on the production of valid
    University Identity Cards and valid examination Cards.
  2. Candidates shall ensure that they acquaint themselves with and adhere strictly to the
    instructions governing examinations in the University, including those printed on the front
    cover of the examination answer booklets.
  3. Candidates shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner and obey all the instructionsof
    the invigilators/examiners.
  4. No candidate shall engage in, or attempt any manner of examination malpractice(s).
  5. Candidates are advised to keep strictly to the sitting arrangements to avoid confusion. No
    candidate should, for any reason, remove chairs that have been arranged in the hall for
    examination purposes.
  6. Candidates are NOT ALLOWED to be in possession of GSM phones
    or equivalent handsets in the examination halls.
  7. Communication of any kind between candidates is strictly prohibited during the examinations.
    Any candidate caught giving or receiving irregular assistance shall face disciplinary
  8. Silence must be observed in the examination halls. The only permissible way of attracting the
    attention of the invigilator is for the candidate to raise his/her hand.
  9. The use of scrap papers is not permitted. Rough works must be done in the answer booklets,
    crossed neatly and submitted along with the answer booklets.
  10. Students shall not bring in papers including blotting papers into the examination halls.
    They should normally enter the examination hall only with pens, inks, pencils, erasers, rulers
    and other materials as approved by the University authority.
  11. Bags, books, lecture files and all other student’s properties must be left outside the
    examination halls
  12. Candidates offering mathematics and similar courses must bring their own mathematical
    or drawing instruments but WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BRING IN PERSONAL
  13. Candidates are to use their Matriculation Numbers for all examinations and NOT THEIR
  14. Candidates are not allowed to remove or mutilate any paper or material supplied by the
    University. Except for the question papers and any other material (e.g. school fees
    receipt,ID Cards, etc.) they may have legally brought into the examination hall; candidates
    are not t take any material out of examination halls.
  15. Candidates are required to sign the attendance register at the beginning of the examination
    and when submitting their answer scripts.



  1. Examination misconduct includes communicating with, or copying from scripts of other
    candidates or introducing unauthorised notes, etc. A candidate caught in any act of
    examination misconduct will be made to face disciplinary action.
  2. Candidate must wait outside the examination hall until they are checked in by an
  3. Candidates will not be allowed to come into the examination hall 30 minutes after the start
    of the examinations.
  4. Candidates CANNOT leave the examination hall earlier than an hour after the
    commencement of the examinations and should not leave during the last ten minutes of the
  5. At the end of the examination, candidate must remain seated until the invigilators have
    collected all the scripts. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that his/her script is
    handed over to the invigilator.
  6. Candidates must be quiet when entering or leaving examination hall and must not speak to anyone other than the invigilator. A candidate creating a scene or disturbing other candidates will be made to face disciplinary actions.
  7. A candidate leaving the examination hall and intending to return must be accompanied by
    a invigilator.
  8. Bags, briefcases, purses, wallet etc. should not be taken into examination halls.
  9. Candidates should not bring textbooks, notes or similar aids into the examination hall unless this has been specifically authorized for the examination paper concerned.
  10. Mobile telephones must not be brought into the examination halls. IPods, Ipads, Bluetooth facilities and Blackberry are not allowed in and within the examination halls.
  11. Candidates may use only non-programmable calculators in examinations. Use of any programmable calculator will be deemed as an examination misconduct and the candidate will face disciplinary actions.
  12. It is in candidate’s interest that handwritings are legible. Therefore only black, blue or blue-black ink pens should be used even where additional colours may be needed.
  13. All rough works must be done in the answer booklet(s) provided. Such work should be crossed out to distinguish it from answers to questions. It is an offence to remove any part of an answer booklet.
  14. No food or drink is permitted in the examination halls. Candidates may however drink water provided they do not disturb other candidates. Smoking is strictly prohibited.
  15. Lost identity cards should be replaced before the examinations. Cases of loss of identity cards should be reported to the Students Affairs Unit early enough for replacement.
  16. Lost examination pass should be replaced before the examinations. Cases of loss of examination passes should be reported early enough to the ICT unit for replacement.
  17. No inscription, jottings or writings should be made on the examination passes.
  18. Photocopy versions of examination passes are not acceptable at the examination halls.
  19. Impersonation is an offence and serious examination misconduct. Culprits will face severe disciplinary actions.




                                                  FIRST SEMESTER





(Arrival of Fresh Students on Campus)

Monday, 7th October, 2024


Registration/Orientation for Fresh Students

Monday, 7th – Friday, 11th October, 2024

1 Week

Resumption of Part-Time Students

Friday, 11th October, 2024


Resumption & Registration of Returning


Monday, 14th October, 2024


Commencement of Lectures for all students 

Monday, 14th October, 2024


17 Weeks

(Including the



End of Course Registration for Returning


Friday, 1st November, 2024

Christmas Break (2 Weeks)

Friday, 20nd December, 2024 – Friday, 3rd

January, 2025

End of Lectures for Returning Students

Friday, 31st January, 2025

Revision Week

Monday, 3rd – Friday, 7th February, 2025


Matriculation Ceremony

Friday, 7th February, 2025

First Semester Examinations (All Students)

Monday, 10th – Friday, 21st February, 2025

2 Weeks

Combined 8th & 9th Convocation Ceremony

Monday, 24th – Friday, 28th February,



Processing of First Semester Results

Monday, 3rd March – Friday, 7th March,


1 Week

Senate Business Committee Meeting

Monday, 10th – Friday, 14th March, 2025

1 Week

Consideration of First Semester Results 

Thursday, 20th March, 2025


End of Semester

Friday, 21st March, 2025


24 Weeks

                                              SECOND SEMESTER


Monday, 24th March, 2025

11 Weeks

Commencement of Lectures

Monday24th March, 2025

End of Lectures

Friday, 6th June, 2025

Revision Week

Monday, 9th – Friday, 13th June, 2025

1 Week

Second Semester Examinations

Monday, 16th June – Friday, 27th June,


2 Weeks

Processing of Examination Results

Monday, 30th June – Friday, 4th July, 2025

1 Week

Senate Business Committee Meeting 

Monday, 7th – Fri., 11th July, 2025

1 Week

Consideration of Results by Senate

Thursday, 17th July, 2025

End of Semester

Thursday, 18th July, 2025


16 Weeks



  • Duration and Unit Values of the Courses

The full degree programme will last for four years while direct entry programme will last for three years. In compliance with the stipulation in the National Universities Commission (NUC) “Course system and Grade Point Average” document, every full time student in this Department shall be required to register for a minimum of 16 Credit Units per semester and a maximum of 24 Credit Units except for other circumstances. The Credit unit is used as a measure of course weighting and contact hours as well as an indicator of student’s workload. For example, two units represent two hours of lecture.


  • Core/Compulsory Course

Courses so categorized must be taken and passed before any student can graduate in any degree programme.


  • Elective Course 

Courses designated as electives are left for students to choose to make up their work load or degree requirements.


  • Pre-Requisite Course

A pre-requisite course is one which must be taken and passed before a student is allowed to register for another course, usually a more advanced one to which that course is a pre-requisite. Usually, pre-requisite courses are so designated, but in general, courses at lower levels are considered as pre-requisites for the courses at higher levels within the same degree programme.


  • Probation and Withdrawal

i. Any student who has a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of less than 1.50 at the end of an academic session shall be on probation.

ii. Any student that scores a CGPA of less than 1.50 in two consecutive semesters shall be required to withdraw from the programme.

iii. A student who absents himself for two consecutive semesters without acceptable reasons may be asked to withdraw from the University irrespective of his cumulative grade point average.  A student for good reasons and after the approval of Senate can suspend his programme of study for an approved period, which shall not normally exceed one session.

iv. A student may be expelled on the basis of established case of examination misconduct or any actions likely to cause breach of peace. Such actions include cultism, vandalism, or gross misconduct as may be determined by the laws of the University. Such a student will however have opportunity to defend himself before the Students’ Disciplinary Committee. Once a student is expelled from the University, he has no opportunity of being re-admitted to the University again.


  • Carry-Over Courses

All carry over courses must be registered first for before additional courses are registered for. There is no limit to the number of times a student can retake a course examination carried over, but all marks scored in such examinations attempts shall appear in the students’ academic record and shall count in the final determination of his CGPA and, therefore his class of degree.


  • Late Registration of Courses: 

The normal period within which to complete all registration formalities shall be 2 weeks from the date of commencement of the registration exercise.

Registration formalities that are not completed within the first two weeks shall normally be regarded as LATE and shall attract a penalty fee unless acceptable reasons are given for the lateness.


  • Duration of Degree Courses

To qualify for an honours degree, a student shall complete all his/her degree requirements within the minimum period prescribed or a period not exceeding two additional years beyond the prescribed minimum duration.

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