Welcome to the home of Champions, to the Division that puts its heart, soul and fabric to ensuring McPherson University students have a wonderful experience on campus, and graduate as worthy champions wrapped in God’s glory. From the School gate to the Halls of residence, classroom and other campus activities, we play an active role in the development of our students. The Student Affairs Directorate is in constant interaction with students to ensure better student experience and positive individual and collective outcomes.
We have a wonderful team of seasoned professionals and staff that contribute to the safety and positivity of our students, ensuring their faces does not lose a smile. The help desk is 24/7 non-stop in the Dean’s office, while the Student Affairs Officer is ever-present to attend to our amiable champions.
We empower your wards through student awareness campaigns, seminars and symposia, and promote positivity via various student associations and leadership groups approved on campus. Our vibrant Alumni are also recognized stakeholders in the McPherson University project and we are in constant collaborative discussions.
Once again, I welcome you to McPherson University and assure you that our students graduate as champions.