OMOMIA O. Austin is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies. He holds the following qualifications: PhD (Christian Religious Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University), M.A (Christian Religious Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University), B.Th (Bachelor of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, USA/NBTS, Ogbomosho), M.Ed (Master in Education Administration and Planning, NOUN, Lagos), PGDE (Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Ahmadu Bello University) and B.Agric. (Bachelor of Agriculture, University of Ife, now Obafemi Awolowo University). He is the Director, Centre for Continuing Education- CCE (the Centre coordinates the Part-Time, Conversion and JUPEB (Joint Universities Preliminary Education Board) Programmes in McPherson University. He is also the Head, Department of Religion and Peace Studies.
OMOMIA O. Austin’s areas of specialization include Philosophy of Religion, Social Ethics, Peace and Conflict Studies, Theology and Education Administration and Planning. His field of interest covers Research Designs and Methods, Religion and Science, Comparative Religion, Entrepreneurship, Leadership Studies and New Religions Movement. His teaching experience spans over thirty years. He has taught at post primary and tertiary levels and have handled several postgraduate and undergraduate courses.
OMOMIA O. Austin had initially served in the following roles and institutions: Academic Administrator and Dean at the International Leadership University, Nairobi, Kenya/Africa Centre for Theological Studies, Nigeria Campus, Associate Lecturer at Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria, Associate Lecturer at Baptist College of Theology, Lagos (in affiliation with Bowen University, Iwo), Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Religious Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University (formally Ogun State University), Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, where he served for about six years and Part-Time lecturer for Postgraduate Programme, Caleb University, Imota, Lagos.
OMOMIA O. Austin has to his credit over fifty academic publications in local and International Journals, chapter in Books and Book publications. He has also published over fifty books and mini-books in general Christian Living and Ethical Issues.
OMOMIA O. Austin belongs to several Professional Associations some of which include African Association for the Study of Religions (AASR), National Association for the Study of Religions and Education (NASRED), Nigerian Association for Biblical Studies (NABIS) and National Association for Christian Studies (NACS). Others include International Research and Development Institute (Research and Development Network), International Society for Development and Sustainability, Association of Clergy International (AOCI), European Centre for Research Training and Development, United Kingdom (UK) and Eurasia Research (ID: TERA-M18074). He also belongs to African Society for the Study of Sociology and Ethics of Religions (ASSOSER), Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR), American Academy of Religion (AAR) and International Sociological Association (ISA).
OMOMIA O. Austin has also presented several academic papers and attended both local and international conferences. He won the Covid 19 Grant by the American Academy of Religion (AAR) in 2020. In addition, he won several academic awards in the different institutions he attend. He was also presented with awards by the Nigerian Baptist Convention in recognition of his contribution to the development of Youths in the Baptist denomination. The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Ikeja, Lagos Chapter also presented him with an award for his contribution to Christian growth in Lagos State in particular and Nigeria in general.
OMOMIA O. Austin’s major contribution to knowledge addresses the aspect of clear interaction between Religion and ethical development in the society. He has often argued that there is the need to consistently interrogate the intervention of Religion on contemporary social phenomena. No doubt, this is an age when globalization and modernity have taken sway in the religious space. There is the need to preserve the perception of society and ethical occurrences within the “receptacle” of Religion. This attempt is demonstrated in most of his research. His research interest is collaborative and multidisciplinary in nature as it explores varied issues concerning suicide, peace and conflict, religious dialogue, social deviance and other socio-religious issues.
OMOMIA O. Austin is an ideal blend between “the town and the gown”. He is an ordained clergy of the Baptist denomination. He is also involved in various community activities and several non-for-profit organizations, as he pursues philanthropic activities.
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